Why we work remote

Our team is rarely in the same place at the same time.
There’s a reason for that. Honest.
And it’s not that we have a secret identity or anything.
(Though wouldn’t it be, like, quantum-level cool if the person running the company was the same person operating the laser cutter as well as the person answering the phone?)
Instead, it’s that our team — the portable ones, anyway — work from home most of the time. And by “home,” we mean Melbourne, Hong Kong, Seattle, Los Angeles, London, Stuttgart, and Panama.
There are a lot of reasons to work remote. Here are some of them.
1. Because companies like 37 Signals, Automattic, Farmers Insurance, Slack, and Atlassian have shown that remote work works.
2. Because offices are a terrible place to get work done.
3. Because offices are expensive.
4. Because commuting sucks.
5. Because we want global perspectives.
That last reason is probably the most important and the least measurable. Since we work in such far-flung locales, we can’t help but look at the world a bit differently. A process or habit that looks like received wisdom in the U.S. may seem anachronistic in another part of the world. And vice versa.
Being scattered around the globe the way we are lets us bring fresh ideas to the problems we’re trying to solve.
Which lets us choose the best solutions.
And share them with you.
Jeff Williams is Momo’s chief marketing officer.
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