Some companies are purebreds; we’re a mutt

You won’t find an Ivy League degree on our team.
There’s no fancy consultancy on any of our resumes.
No investment bank experience. Or supreme court clerkships.
We’re just not that kind of company.
We thought it best you know now.
We’re basically a ragtag band of Aussies, Panamanians, Yanks, etc. who’ve been out learning how to build companies by building companies. All kinds of them. Manufacturing companies. Technology companies. Marketing agencies. Investment companies. Publishing houses. Solar-energy companies. News organizations.
We’ve figured out what doesn’t work. Homed in on what does. Tried different approaches, products, and ideas. Experimented. Learned from our mistakes. Scored some pretty big wins.
Now, we’re combining our collective experience. And having a blast.
So yeah, we’re no show dog. We’re more mutt.
But we’re actually pretty proud of that.
Mutts are street smart. Adaptable. Lovable.
Mutts are hungry. Tough. Big-hearted.
Mutts are tenacious.
And a mutt will always, always stick by you.
Jeff Williams is one of Momo’s mutts.
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